What Is Purpose Of Early Childhood Education? Why It's So Important
Some states and districts have developed thoughtful, holistic systems that can be used from preschool through early elementary school to support developmentally appropriate instruction. Early childhood education is a rewarding career for individuals who are passionate about helping children learn and grow. If you want to work with pre-school and early elementary school children, this program will prepare you to work in a variety of early childhood and educational settings. With a focused foundation of early childhood theory and practice, you'll learn the developmental milestones and maturity markers that occur as a child grows which will help you lead children in their influential years. It is essential that a child sees themself as a capable learner, who can grapple with new topics that may seem tricky at first, and resist giving up when a topic or task becomes difficult. Aggregated assessment data can also be used to identify system-level patterns, strengths, and gaps that can...